hongkong prize

The Hongkong Prize was established in 2013 to recognize and honour ordinary but exceptional Hong Kong citizens for their genuine charity, civic awareness and good deeds in Hong Kong – while sharing their inspiring stories with the community. This award recognizes those with extraordinary selfless dedication, tenacious entrepreneurship or innovation towards betterment of mankind.

Winners will be given a cash award of HK$500,000, determined by an expert panel in their respective fields. In case of a tie vote, a second round election will take place to select a victor. Voting starts annually between January and March; open voting includes film workers as well as critics; with final voting taking place during June at an awards ceremony and result announced publicly at that time.

Each award category is overseen by an Organising Committee from Hong Kong Association of Industry (HKAI), with an adjudicating panel providing final adjudication. This committee is chaired by Deputy Director-General for Trade & Industry from Bilateral Trade Controls & Industries Support; membership also includes representatives from 13 professional film bodies.

An independent and objective evaluation will be performed on scientific and technological breakthroughs by candidates. Evaluation criteria will include their scientific impact, technology transfer/commercialisation efforts and any societal/economic value created as measures of evaluation.

Submissions must be based on original research published no earlier than 1 January 2021 in an academic or peer-reviewed journal, with clinical implication and clear application of advanced medical technology; research can come from any field of medicine or clinical discipline.

Today, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued a strong statement condemning and rejecting France and Germany for awarding Chow Hang-tung prizes while her court proceedings continue in Hong Kong. They reiterated their adherence to rule of law principles such as respecting laws while punishing lawbreakers.

Hong Kong will have nine artists featured on this year’s Art Prize shortlist – marking an unprecedented representation from this city and nearly two-thirds being female artists – an historic feat. Additionally, nearly two-thirds are women artists making history for this competition. The top three will each receive HK$200,000 while all finalists will participate in an exhibition and talks at ICAS (International Contemporary Asian Scholars), where scholars come together to discuss issues surrounding global Asia. Winning artwork will also be displayed there in October 2020 while ICAS 2023 winners will be granted free booth to promote his or her art further!

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