The Hongkong Prize and the BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize

If you are entering the Hongkong Prize, one of the world’s premier writing competitions, make sure you familiarize yourself with its rules and regulations prior to submitting your manuscript. Doing this will not only ensure it meets all requirements but will also help minimize errors that could hinder your chances of winning.

This year’s prize offers an eye-popping first prize jackpot of up to HK$100 Million – a dramatic leap over previous draws when only about 33 Million was at stake! Additionally, secondary prizes will also be distributed among various categories.

The Hongkong Prize is open to all citizens and residents of Hong Kong who have written a manuscript that contributes to the development of their city. Submissions will be judged by a panel composed of experts from local universities and government offices, and winners will receive both monetary prizes as well as an invitation to attend an awards ceremony. It provides authors with an excellent opportunity to gain recognition and showcase their work to an audience.

In its history, the Hongkong Prize has honored manuscripts ranging from fiction to nonfiction. However, this year the judging panel is looking for works that contribute to Hong Kong’s international development efforts and outline its global role on a global stage. Finalists may receive up to HK$50,000 as prize money with one overall winner receiving up to an additional prize amount of HK$100,000. All awards will be presented during a Gala Dinner event scheduled on 5 May.

Hong Kong is home to an exceptionally diverse population, and its writers come from an equally wide variety of backgrounds. The Hongkong Prize judges consider all perspectives and experiences present among Hong Kong residents when making decisions and acts as an invaluable resource for writers who wish to craft works that appeal to widest possible readership.

The BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize, established by the Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation with support from Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, aims to recognize exceptional scientists from Hong Kong or research-related institutions affiliated with universities within Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for significant technological innovations and transformation. It consists of five fields each offering rewards of HK$2 Million with no more than five individuals or teams eligible for each field receiving an award.

Education University of Hong Kong is the inaugural winner in both mainland China and Hong Kong for this new category of prize, receiving recognition in both for interdisciplinary research involving nanotechnology, chemical engineering and materials science as well as health applications of nanotechnology across health, educational and environmental fields. Not only did their winning project receive a monetary award but the prize also allowed them to promote it to an international audience.

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