Enterprises face an enormous data challenge today in managing, storing, and analyzing vast amounts of information that they must store, manage and analyze for business operations. Data can provide critical insights into customer needs, new product/service creation and increase revenues; yet managing it requires significant expertise to manage effectively. It is essential that organizations implement sound data governance practices so that their organization complies with both internal and external policies as well as avoid data breaches that incur regulatory fines or costly regulatory penalties.
The data sgp project seeks to develop an exclusive dataset designed to answer specific scientific queries, unlike general community databases like Genbank and EarthChem which aim to serve a larger group. Data created by data sgp will serve this specific goal and has been compared with large-scale genomic data aggregation initiatives like 1000 Genomes Project or Sequence Read Archive (SRA).
The higher level functions in the sgp package are designed for LONG formatted data that contain state specific meta-data embedded within. Although most analyses can be completed with WIDE data format, most errors that arise tend to stem from issues with data preparation. We therefore advise using LONG data instead as this usually leads to better results.
SGPs compare student scores from recent assessments with those of their academic peers based on historical growth trajectories, giving educators insight into what type of growth students require in order to reach proficiency on state tests as well as potential future achievement pathways that students could take.
Teachers looking to earn an mSGP score must teach English Language Arts or Mathematics grades with sufficient baseline data and comparable test scores that allow the NJDOE to compare mSGP scores between districts. Furthermore, teacher evaluation ratings can only be determined through using district course roster submission data linked with relevant mSGP scores from their teaching roster submission data; to make sure their roster submission includes all eligible classes they teach successfully, teachers should review it with their supervisor to make sure all qualifying classes have been submitted in this way.
Teachers rated with an mSGP are evaluated on the median of their two most recent scores; teachers in 2023-2024 school years can utilize data from either year of assessment for evaluation.
To view mSGP data associated with an individual student, navigate to the Star Growth Report and select their name from the “Student” drop-down list. Once selected, click on “View mSGP Data” button and you can see their mSGP score and graph showing performance relative to academic peers. An mSGP score represents how much an assessment score on their most recent assessment has increased compared to peers – this number ranges between 1-99; higher values signify greater growth while lower ones indicate decreased expansion relative to peers.