Sdy prize is an international award designed to acknowledge student achievements during their final year of university. It rewards excellence in linguistics research, scholarship and teaching with cash prize and gold seal to affix to book covers – not available to all applicants therefore it’s essential that applicants read carefully through its requirements before submitting an application.

Participating in the Sdy Prize requires you to register online by February 15 each year, as well as submit an essay no longer than ten pages that describes the significance of your work to technology history and provides names of two scholars who could act as referees for your book. Since its judges are experts in historical matters, being able to explain your significance is key in order to win their consideration.

The SDY Prize is an ideal way to encourage young people to get involved with science. Participants get real experience working with real data and communicating their findings, giving them confidence when applying for jobs in the future.

One of the easiest and best ways to learn more about SDY Prize is to visit its website. There you will find plenty of information regarding its history and application processes as well as an archive of past winners that gives an indication of which projects may have won this prestigious award in past years.

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